Similar Games like Friends for Sale FFS FFSNG

Here are the games that similar to friends for sale,ffs or ffsng.As they are the mostly same some futures are different,like working pets gifting etc.Same is buying pets and sometimes different bonus you can have
Best selling buying pets friends game.The best part is working your pets and gain profit even u got the stuck pet. pets has also pets game,the best part is you can search pets how much price you want.I advise this game too you should take a look
This is another buying pet game not so futured.

4.Here are the rest of buying pets game you can find throught facebook by searching
Traders Challange,Hotties for sale,Buy your friends

5.Also you can try friend stock market by facebook too,you can invest buying a friend pet stock if more people buy stock more its value rasises.This game is great too however bad part is not playing by much people.
You can try Sold2 also.

The slogan is no drama,looks like only presenting fun.You get earn coins while pinning others photo.You get randomly leg,head,body etc. mojodoll parts.If you complete a mojodoll part you get coins and i havent understood what used for coins,maybe for unlocking mojodols but not so necessary

7.Grabbing Locking games
Grab and lock people,if they get comment or gift you profit and

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